The Collective Assessment

Unlock Exclusive Benefits and Grow Your Business with The Collective's Membership Plans

Community, Camaraderie, & Comprehensive Mentorship: 

Collectively, We Are Strong

Imagine the Future of Your Business with The Collective at Your Side

By joining The Collective, you’re not just signing up for a membership — you’re stepping into a world of possibilities where your business thrives like never before.


Here’s what your future could look like:

  • Increased Profit Margins

    Leverage exclusive vendor discounts and business insights to significantly reduce costs and boost your bottom line.

  • A Well-Oiled Operational Machine

    Streamline your processes with access to cutting-edge tools and training in operations management, turning everyday challenges into optimized efficiencies.

  • An Empowered, Skilled Team

    Trust a team where every member is a peak performer, trained by industry leaders and equipped with the best practices in sales, HR, and customer service.

  • A Recognized Brand in the Industry

    Grow your reputation as a trusted leader in the market through increased visibility at industry events.

  • A Robust Business Network

    Build valuable connections that lead to shared knowledge, and mutual growth opportunities within a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

  • Year-Round Customer Retention and Acquisition

    Utilize expert marketing training and resources to keep your client base growing and engaged no matter the season.

Facing the Toughest Parts of Running Your Home Services Business?

Running a home services business comes with unique challenges that can often feel overwhelming. You’re not alone in navigating these obstacles.


Many in our community have faced similar struggles, and we’ve crafted our memberships to help you overcome them effectively. Here are some of the common hurdles you might be encountering:

  • Scaling Difficulties:

    Growing your business beyond the startup phase without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction.

  • Operational Efficiency:

    Streamlining day-to-day operations to save time and reduce costs while maintaining high service standards.

  • Skilled Labor Shortages:

    Finding, training, and retaining competent and reliable employees in a competitive job market.

  • Seasonal Fluctuations:

    Managing cash flow and keeping the business profitable through off-peak seasons.

We understand these challenges because we've lived them.

Our tailored memberships provide you with the tools, training, and community support needed to turn these obstacles into opportunities for growth and success.

The Collective: Your Partner in Growth

At The Collective, we’re more than just a membership platform — we’re a vibrant community dedicated to the success of home service businesses. Founded by industry veterans, we understand the unique challenges you face.


Our mission is to empower you with the tools, training, and community support needed to not only overcome these challenges but to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

The Collective

Community Buyers

Experience the Power of Collective Buying
$ 49
  • Our exclusive buyers group and access a comprehensive discounts package, saving you $750+ per month.
  • Gain foundational assets, templates, and branding resources curated by industry experts.
  • Get tips that will kickstart your journey to entrepreneurial success with the Collective Newsletter.

Community Plus

Elevate Your Business with Community Plus
$ 159
  • Everything in the Collective Buyers Plan, plus:
  • Engage in our vibrant Facebook group and attend monthly meetings led by industry expert in the Collective.
  • Gain invaluable insights on profiting during dry spell seasons and access more in-depth assets and templates.
  • VIP access to all virtual training events with expert leaders in the home service industry.
  • Access to view a vault of recordings and videos of all previous virtual events.

Special May 2024 Promotion: Unlock More for Less!

Elevate Your Business with Community Plus — Now Just $199/month $59/month!

This May, we’re making it easier than ever to scale your business with a special offer on our Community Plus membership.
For a limited time, new members can lock in an unprecedented rate of just $59 per month — a significant drop from the regular price of $199.
What’s more, for an extra $10 you can enjoy the combined benefits of both the Community Buyer and Plus memberships!

Why Lock in This Offer?

  • Unmatched Value

    Get comprehensive access to all Community Buyer benefits plus advanced Community Plus resources, all for less than half the regular price of Community Plus alone.

  • Exclusive Content and Training

    Community Plus members enjoy specialized monthly training sessions, strategic growth resources, and an empowering network of like-minded business leaders.

  • Limited-Time Opportunity

    This exclusive rate is available until May 31st 2024 only. Secure your spot now to guarantee these savings indefinitely, as long as your membership remains active.



Why Choose The Collective?

Join a network of forward-thinking business owners and gain the competitive edge you need.

The Collective is your gateway to not just surviving, but thriving in the home services industry.