The Collective Assessment

Collectively, We Are Strong!

The Collective Strong

Recap of The Collective's Group Event in Cancun: Inspiring Growth and Innovation

The Members of Collective gathered in the beautiful setting of Cancun for a three-day event packed with strategic planning, inspirational talks, and collaborative discussions. Our goal was to reflect on our achievements, identify areas for improvement, and plan for a stronger finish to the year. This blog post provides a detailed recap of the event, highlighting key takeaways and how they will benefit our community of home service business owners.

GRIT: Setting the Stage with Mission and Vision

Why are we here?

The event began with a reaffirmation of The Collective’s mission and vision. As a collaborative hub, we are committed to empowering home service entrepreneurs with resources, community support, and innovative solutions. This core purpose drives everything we do and keeps us focused on creating value for our members.


Our mission is to help home service businesses grow sustainably and achieve personal fulfillment. We believe that by providing a supportive community and the right tools, our members can overcome challenges and reach new heights. This session was crucial for aligning our efforts and ensuring that every partner understands and shares our commitment to these goals.

The Collective

The Collective Members discussion on how to create stronger and better support for the members of the community.

Strategic Planning and Inspirational Talks

What are we focusing on?

We dove into strategic planning. Our discussions centered around three main strategies:

  1. Enhancing Member Engagement: We recognize that engaged members are more likely to be successful and satisfied. Therefore, we are developing more interactive and valuable content to keep our members engaged and motivated. This includes:

    • Webinars and Q&A Sessions: These live events provide members with direct access to experts who can answer their questions in real-time, fostering a more interactive and supportive environment.
    • Personalized Coaching: One-on-one coaching sessions tailored to the specific needs of individual businesses will offer more targeted support, helping members to tackle unique challenges and leverage opportunities effectively.
  2. Expanding Educational Resources: Education is the foundation of growth. To help our members improve their skills and knowledge, we plan to offer more in-depth training materials and resources tailored to the specific needs of home service businesses. This will include:

    • Advanced Courses: Covering a range of topics such as marketing, operations, leadership, and other critical areas, these courses will provide members with the expertise they need to excel.
    • Resource Library: A comprehensive library of articles, videos, and guides that members can access anytime, ensuring that valuable information is always at their fingertips.
  3. Integrating Advanced Technologies: Technology can dramatically improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. We aim to integrate the latest technologies, such as AI and machine learning, into our services. Examples include:

    • AI-Powered Tools: Tools like chatbots and virtual assistants to handle customer inquiries and administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time for business owners to focus on strategic initiatives.
    • Machine Learning: Systems that analyze business data to provide actionable insights and forecasts, helping members make more informed decisions.
Dan of HireBus

Dan Fleisher of HireBus shares an inspiring result at the start of the year 2024 with all the members.

Inspirational Talk with the Owners (Jonathan, Brant, and Curt)

Why are these talks important?

Hearing from successful entrepreneurs like Jonathan, Brant, and Curt was incredibly inspiring for all attendees. Here are some highlights:

Jonathan from The Collective

Jonathan Maynard (One of the owners of The Collective)

Jonathan’s Insights: Jonathan emphasized the power of making micro improvements. Small, consistent changes can lead to significant growth over time. This resonated with many of us, as it’s easy to get overwhelmed by big goals. Starting small and staying consistent is key. He shared examples of how minor adjustments in business operations or customer interactions led to substantial gains, underscoring the impact of continuous improvement.

Curt from ResponsiBid

Curt Kempton (One of the owners of The Collective and CEO of ResponsiBid)

Curt’s Journey: Curt captivated the audience with a vivid analogy about the importance of cleanliness and efficiency, comparing it to the simple act of washing hands thoroughly. His story served as a powerful metaphor for the necessity of maintaining high standards in business operations. Curt emphasized that attention to detail and a commitment to quality are critical for long-term success. This approach has driven his success and serves as a valuable lesson for other entrepreneurs.

Brant Thurgood of Jill's Office

Brant Thurgood (One of the owners of The Collective and CEO of Jill’s Office)

Brant’s Story: Brant shared the journey of Jill’s Office, which started from a simple idea of answering calls to capture business opportunities. His story highlighted the importance of seizing opportunities and being proactive in addressing business needs. By providing a reliable virtual receptionist service, Jill’s Office has helped many home service businesses manage their customer interactions more effectively, leading to increased customer satisfaction and business growth.

Events, Group Discussions, and Tools for Success

Why are these events important?

We announced two major events for 2025 that are designed to provide immense value to our members and the broader home service community:

  • Huge Convention 2025: This premier event will bring together top experts and service professionals to share insights and strategies. It’s an excellent opportunity for networking and learning from industry leaders. Attendees will have access to workshops, keynote speeches, and panel discussions on the latest trends and best practices in the home service industry. This event aims to equip business owners with the knowledge and connections they need to thrive

  • Home Service Workshop 2025: A hands-on workshop focused on practical skills and innovative techniques. This event will provide actionable knowledge that attendees can immediately apply to their businesses. Workshops will cover topics such as advanced cleaning techniques, efficient scheduling, and customer service excellence. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have new skills and strategies to enhance their service offerings and improve operational efficiency.

Group Discussions: Growth, Efficiency, and Technology

Why are these discussions valuable?

Our group discussions covered critical areas for business success:


Growth: Members shared their biggest wins, such as significant revenue increases and successful product launches. These stories not only celebrated successes but also provided valuable insights into effective strategies. For example, one member discussed how hiring a dedicated marketing professional transformed their lead acquisition process, resulting in a 30% increase in new clients over six months. Another member highlighted the benefits of launching a new service line that doubled their revenue within a year.


Efficiency: Delegation was a key topic. By passing off tasks to specialists, business owners can concentrate on growth and visionary goals. This approach reduces burnout and allows leaders to focus on strategic initiatives. For instance, a member shared how outsourcing their bookkeeping allowed them to dedicate more time to customer engagement and strategic planning, leading to improved customer satisfaction and business growth.


System and AI Technology: Leveraging AI and advanced systems to streamline operations and improve customer experience was a key focus. Tools like ResponsiBid’s CrewCal technology were highlighted for their ability to optimize scheduling and increase efficiency. One member shared their experience of using AI-powered chatbots to handle customer inquiries, which significantly reduced response times and improved customer satisfaction.

Michael Grigery of ClickCallSell

Michael Grigery, the tech wizard of the group and the CEO of ClickCallSell demonstrated a mind-blowing AI software to the members.

Fun and Networking

Why do we incorporate fun and networking?

The event wasn’t all work and no play. We organized engaging games that fostered camaraderie and teamwork among members. Networking is a crucial aspect of The Collective, as it allows members to share experiences, support each other, and build lasting professional relationships. Activities included team-building exercises, trivia games, and interactive workshops that encouraged collaboration and creativity.

Michael Grigery (CCS), Matt Caldwell (CCS) and Jonathan Maynard of The Collective

Michael Grigery and Matt Caldwell (ClickCallSell) and Jonathan Maynard’s team won the game.

Why celebrate?

The event concluded with a lively party, celebrating our successes and looking forward to a bright future. This celebration was not just about having fun; it was a recognition of the hard work and dedication of all our partners. It provided a relaxed environment for members to unwind, bond, and strengthen their professional relationships. Celebrations like these reinforce the sense of community and shared purpose that are central to The Collective.

The Collective Members

The Collective Members from Unique Genius Virtual Assistant, ResponsiBid, and ClickCallSell.

It's a WRAP!

Why does this matter?

The three-day event in Cancun was more than just a gathering; it was a powerful experience that reinforced our commitment to supporting home service business owners. We reflected on our achievements, identified areas for improvement, and set a clear roadmap for the future. The Collective remains dedicated to helping our members grow sustainably and achieve personal fulfillment.


Our event in Cancun was a testament to the power of collaboration and community. By coming together, we were able to share insights, celebrate successes, and plan for a brighter future. Whether you’re a member of The Collective or a business owner considering joining, we invite you to connect with us and take advantage of the resources and support we offer.


If you’re inspired by our mission and the stories of growth and innovation shared by our partners, consider joining The Collective community. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, valuable discounts, and a network of supportive peers who are dedicated to helping each other succeed.


Visit The Collective to learn more about our services and membership opportunities. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things. Join us and experience the power of collective strength in the home service industry.